f you have a small or large event coming up where IT support is needed and you are not sure what is achievable, let us help you.
We have more than 20 years experience handling the IT requirements and logistics for the media at major international and national events. This includes the Olympic and Commonwealth Games, the Melbourne Spring Racing Carnival and the Australian Open.
We also specialise in assisting not-for-profit organisations with the technical aspects of events. Most notably, we organised and set up the phone room and donation processing for the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal.
We are experienced with:
• Designing room layouts and office spaces to accommodate computers, phones and any other technical hardware
• Liaising with outside companies to source equipment and furniture
• Organising rate card items for international events
• Meeting with event organisers and related personnel
From planning the requirements to designing a solution, we can help with all the steps.
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September 6, 2015nlagalle0Uncategorized0
View moreThe Good Friday Appeal is synonymous with all Victorians. For over 85 years the appeal has raised money to support the Royal Children’s Hospital each Easter. Currently the appeal is held at the ...
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